Elfia and fantasy
Hi everyone!
I am so ashamed.. I forgot to blog.. AGAIN! Last week was a bit of a hectic week, and I haven’t been home all weekend.. and since I usually write the blog on Sundays.. I’m so sorry!
Last weekend was Elfia, a fantasy festival which occurs twice a year. Ever since 2012, I’ve been every time, in April and September.. but this year, I will be in Manchester, so I can’t attend it then. So, last weekend was the only Elfia for me this year.. and because of that, it had to be perfect.
The weather was horrible and there were definitely some moments that I wished I could just toss someone into the water, but well, the weekend was awesome.
Now, I’m guessing that not everyone knows what Elfia is, and so won’t understand a word of what I’ve said so far. Elfia is a huge fantasy festival – this much I have stated before. It takes place in the Netherlands and almost everyone dresses up for it. The most gorgeous costumes are created for this festival, people really live toward it. It’s a place where you can be as crazy as you wish, and no one will judge or look at you differently for it. If you wear a sign saying “free hugs”, you’ll probably come home bruised from all the hugs. The atmosphere, the people, the music, the food, it’s just a completely different world, and that’s so refreshing. Granted, it’s NOT comfortable to walk around in a tight corset for an entire weekend, yet there are tons of people who do. Yes, the festival is that awesome. You can forget about everything and just enjoy the music, the good people and the food.
Sometimes, that is all people desire. I probably have said this a tons of times before, but this is why some people can obsess over shows. They want to escape, to go to another world. For the biggest part of the year we’re able to do this through books, music, TV-shows, movies or whatever works for you. But twice a year… the gates to Elfia open.. and you can literally walk into a world of magic and happiness. That’s what I fell in love with there. The opportunity to be more than me. And so, last weekend, I was a witch from the world of Game of Thrones. My dress was made by some amazing friends of mine, and I came back with a ton of inspiration and ideas for new things. I spent the weekend with my friends in another world, and as always, coming back from it isn’t easy. Sometimes society can be more confining than a steel boned corset, but it’s alright. There are new things to look forward to: SUMMER!
I can’t be the only one dying for a bit of sunlight. Last weekend was grey and wet and pretty damn cold. But then today, the sun was shining bright again. How is any of that fair? Ah well – it’s the weather here in damned old Netherlands, hihihi.
So, I’ll do my best to blog more this week, because I won’t be home next week: I’ll be back in London!
Until we read again!
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