Blog 7

London trip

So, as I told you last week, last Saturday, I spent the day in London of all places! It was amazing!

Friday, I left my home to go to Rotterdam. I went to a friend’s house, as we were catching the bus close to where she lives. So, things started off really well, the bus had a slight delay (about 20 minutes). When it finally got there, it was already pretty full, and there weren’t many places left. We managed to find a spot where we could sit together and tried to get as comfortable as possible in the cold bus.

            So, on the road we went! We drove for hours, and most of the time we tried to sleep, actually slept or just sat with our eyes closed, unable to doze off, but not quite awake either. The road to London, we noticed all stops in between, but it wasn’t until we reached the ferry and settled into a comfy spot in the warmth, that we actually fell asleep. Two hours crossing the canal passed in the blink of an eye, and it actually hurt when we had to get up to move back into the cold bus. The rest of the passing, we barely noticed everything, still lulled to sleep from the warmth of the passing on the ferry.

            Finally, around seven o’clock we arrived in London. The bus driver had taken us on a brief tour passing by the most touristic things of London, before dropping us off at Victoria Embankment. For those of you that don’t know, that’s where the Big Ben and Westminster are. My friend and I walked over Victoria Street towards Hyde Park, stopping for a cup of coffee and a muffin at Starbucks on the road.

            After this sort of breakfast, we walked further to Harrods on Brompton Road. We had to wait a few minutes before opening, but when we walked in.. well. For those of you who have ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld, depending on where you are in the world, it’s like that. The first time you walk into that big wonderful world… and everything seems alright and possible and you can’t help but want to giggle until your stomach hurts? That feeling, right there, is how it feels to walk into Harrods. No matter how happy you are with your current position in life.. walking into that shop.. you just want more. You wish you had the funds and the correct physique to be able to buy everything you love in the store and so much more. Every single inch of the place breathes class, even the toilets! It’s a beautiful store, one I definitely intend to revisit once  I’m studying in Manchester later this year.

            After Harrods, we walked back via Hyde Park to Piccadilly Circuit. There we visited Waterstones and oh, my good. If you love books, or even just enjoy reading casually, and you’re ever in London, visit this store. It is six floors of heaven, filled with books from top to bottom. Of course, by this time I was feeling rather sick, so I couldn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to, so I’ll have to go back again sometime soon.

            On our way to Piccadilly there was a small passage with tiny exclusive shops.. and wauw. That was amazing. Basically, everything was amazing. I was sick because of the muffin and coffee in Starbucks, it was probably too early to eat something so heavy and my stomach did not appreciate it, so I wasn’t as bouncy and lively as usual, but basically… it was amazing. Everything was. So, if you’re sick of me saying how amazing it all was… sorry.. it just was. After the luxury passage, we passed from Piccadilly Circuit via Leicester Square, around the corner into Trafalgar Square. Then, we visited the National Gallery. We walked around in there for a while, and after that we decided to go drink a cup of tea in a store on Trafalgar Square until we had to walk back to the bus. Of course, there were some latecomers, but finally, we left London via the London Bridge. Passed the London Bridge, we hardly noticed anything, fallen into a deep sleep, only to be woken up at the mandatory stops on the way, until we finally reached home. 


The trip overall was amazing, exhausting, and even though I was sick and probably ruined the mood of the whole afternoon, it was for me at least, a trip we could repeat. I’d definitely want to go back to London, and hopefully, I will on short term. I really hope so, I want to see so much more of this amazing city.


Until we read again!
