Blog 6

Okay... I suck - I'm sorry!

So, I guess I just suck at actually doing things I like every now and then. I love writing, working on my blog and everything, but somehow I always forget to work on it. It’s been so busy here, with school and everything. The final two terms are always heavy, and I just can’t seem to relax. I’ve never been a good student, always a mediocre one. But I’ve had to be a good student lately, because I needed to pass the first semester in order to go on exchange. Now that I’ve done that, I can’t seem to unwind. Somehow, I keep pushing myself to get good grades.

I’d want nothing more than to just relax and write more for my blog, but somehow I can’t relax. I’ve never been good at anything. I’ve always sailed right through the middle. So if I forget now and then, I am so sorry! I will always blog whenever I have time, whenever my guilt lets me be long enough to give me the peace of mind I need to write calmly.


Besides that my external hard drive died last week. It luckily didn’t contain any essential files, but I still lost all my music, pictures and tv-shows that I had stored on there. So – that sucked, big time. Everything was gone, and well – like most of my age – without my music I just can’t work, so I had to fix everything. It was a hell of a lot of work – but I succeeded! And now, I just have to find a way to back it all up in such a small way that I can upload it on a USB drive.


But now, on to more fun things! Like I said, things are going really well at school, it’s a lot of work, but it’ll all be worth it in the end. I’m finally doing the things I love, and my life is finally the way I like it. I’m going on a trip with my best friend to London this weekend! It’s so exiting! I’ve never been away without an older adult with me, so this should be so much fun! I’m really looking forward to it.


When we get back, we will probably be a pair of complete and utter wrecks and you know what, I don’t think I care about that.


There are so many things I wish to go and see, and do and experience. It’s so strange for me sometimes. Not too long ago, I was fine with things just the way they were: I had my books and I could travel through that. But lately, that is not enough for me. I know there are people who are truly not able to travel for many different reasons; and it would be a shame if I didn’t simply because I was too scared or lazy to travel. The world is out there.. and if I don’t go out to see it, no one else will do it for me. So I am going to, and I am going to blog more frequently (or at least try to!). I promise I’ll write about the day in London, so you can expect that blog sometime on Sunday!


- Until we read again! –
