Yes - I remembered!
Hi everyone!
New week and so – new blog! So this week, I wanted to blog a bit about something that pretty much everyone has in their life.
Everyone – no matter how hard you deny it – is a fan of something. Everyone has one or two authors, directors, actors, books, TV-shows, you name it, that they are crazy about. Of course there are various degrees in which this runs, but it’s always there. Loving something, being a fan of something is almost always a lot of fun.
For me, I’m one of the crazy ones. I have a huge list of TV-shows that I watch, an even bigger list of books and movies that I like. I like to believe that everyone has at least two worlds. There is the normal world, and then there is the world you create yourself. The one you build with each book you read, each movie you watch. Of course, some books or movies or whatever help it grow a lot more because you like them. But everything you see or read leaves a small imprint on you, hate it or love it.
So, lately, a lot of the book series I have read, have been turned into movies. The newest example is The Seventh Son. I bought those books when I was 16, and I have read them so often that I can remember the largest parts of the books. I know the story and I have always loved it. So, now it’s finally a movie in the Netherlands – and I simply have to go see it. That’s the fun part of being a fan of something.
Unfortunately, there is also a downside to being a fan of something. Because there are also those people who hate it. And it’s annoying – sometimes even hurtful – to read all the ‘hate’ about the things you like so much. Of course everyone is allowed to have their opinion, but does this mean you should just blurt it out, regardless if it’s offensive or not?
That’s why I think that the most of what the “jocks and popular kids” call the “geeks or nerds” are so pulled back. It hurts to hear them use the things you love against you, and I believe this shouldn’t even be normal. Amongst the “geeks and nerds” are often the most loving and adorable people. So next time you feel like spewing even more hate out there – consider this. Would you like it if someone used what you love against you? Probably not. If you want to get it out there, talk to the wall, but don’t use the internet. There is enough hate and ugliness in the world as it is.
I’m going to wrap up now – I’ve got a movie I need to see!
Keep an eye on the site this weekend – I’ll do my best to upload some more book reviews and an article!
- Until we read again!-