Blog 3

Yay! I remembered!

Hi everyone!


This week has been a particularly strange week. I forgot a lot, did a lot and basically, just enjoyed my life the way it is. Because it is finally, after years of hard work, starting to become the life I want to have.

So, about forgetting things…. last Monday, I forgot my hearing aids at home. I was reading Dorian Gray, and I was just so comfortable and carried away by the story, that I lost track of the time. When I realized this, I jumped up and grabbed my bag, in the firm belief my hearing aids where there where I always put them: in their box in my bag. Unfortunately, this particular time, I had not put them in their box, but in the cleaning box in the bathroom. I was halfway through my journey when I had realized this, so I could travel back home at once. It felt so stupid! Of course I know it’s only human to forget things once in a while, but still!

For those of you that don’t know me personally, I am not deaf, I just hear very, very poorly without my hearing aids. All sounds mix together until finally, I can’t make out one sound from another.. all the sounds are so soft, like listening to music from a closed room. You can hear some sounds, but you’ll never be able to make out any details. I hate being so dependent on something so small, but I also know that I am lucky enough to live in that part of the world where I can receive the help I need for this. And who knows, maybe in the future they’ll work out something, a cure of some kind. One can always hope right?

Speaking of the future, things for the exchange program are finally moving forward again. I have received all the papers I need and the instructions for the application. I really am looking forward to this, I can barely wait until September! Now it’s time to select my courses and actually apply. It’s all so exiting!

There are a lot more things in the near future that I am excited for. Most importantly is that I’m going on two daytrips with a very close friend soon. We’ll be going to London and Paris! Even though it’s just for a day, it’ll be so amazing! Also, my costume for the Elf Fantasy Fair is almost done. I’ll post a picture in April after the fair, but it’s exquisite! It’s based on the game of thrones style, but then in my own way. Also a lot of theatre visits are coming up again, yay! I’ll make sure to post something about it here. So for now, enjoy your day. It’s cold here in the Netherlands, but the sun is shining. So I hope, wherever you are, the sun is shining for you too.



            - Until we read again –
