Endings and Beginnings
Hi everyone!
As promised, a new blog in a new week!
I’ve just gotten used to this new situation in university. I used to have two courses worth 15 ECTS every term. This term, I’ve just got one, worth 10 ECTS. It’s a lot more relaxed, as I only have two times a week that I have to go to university. That means I can read and write a lot more than I used to! Yay!
As you might have noticed, there is finally an article online. It’s about Dorian Gray and the present day beauty industry. So you can go read that if you’re interested. Also, summer is coming up! It is so nice to open the curtain every morning and see the sun shining bright! A big problem I always have is whether or not to take my coat with me. That’s always tricky. Some days I put on my coat and regret that, other days I don’t and then I wish I had taken it with me. I can’t be the only one with that problem right?!
Over the past few weeks, there have been a lot of fun events. Trips to London and Paris, the first edition of Dutch Comic con and the last few theater performances of this season. The first edition of DCC was epic. A friend of mine arranged that we could actually take pictures with Osric Chau and Stanislav Ianevski! Needless to say.. once out of earshot.. we were completely and utterly going crazy. It was a fun weekend where you could just simply be yourself and I actually quite enjoyed myself. It’s made me look forward (hopefully I can actually attend this year) to London Comic Con!
As summer starts, other things end. For one, the second year of university is coming to a close. Never thought I’d be able to get through one, let alone two.. (One more and then I can actually graduate!). Fall TV-season closes, which means, no more “new” episodes to watch weekly. But I actually have that problem anyways. There were four leaked Game of Thrones episodes… and I watched all four of them… which means.. no new episodes for another month. DARNIT! I always have this problem! I can’t stop when I get hooked on something and I just need to know so badly how the story continues. I get why cliff hangers exist.. but god. Is there anyone who actually likes those?
The theater season is also coming to an end, and that is always a bit of a bummer. Because of my hearing aids, I can’t go to big concerts and I don’t like clubbing all that much, so instead of that, I go to theater performances. This year I saw a lot of amazing performances! Jochem Myjer, Bert Visscher (Dutch comedians), the Magic of Motown (yes, my mom dragged me there – and it was awesome. I was probably born a few decades too late.. at least when it comes to fashion and music), Crazy Pianos, Carmen, and so much more. There are two more theater visits in the cards and that’s the end of this season. Fortunately for me, I won’t have to get bored completely, since there are also a lot of festivals coming up. The main one for me is Elf Fantasy Fair Haarzuilens.
It takes place in two weeks (April 25/26) and basically is a fantasy festival. A lot of food, good music, amazing atmosphere and everyone dresses up in their most amazing costume. I’m going with a couple of really good friends of mine, and I just hope things go smoothly. Normally I go to both Elf Fantasy Fairs (April and September), but since I hope to be in Manchester in September… this will be my only Elf Fantasy Fair this year.
Well – enough about all the endings. Let’s bring on summer, happiness and just a lot of good weather. – and hopefully some amazing vacations! Here's to some new beginnings and we'll see what summer and the rest of the year brings us!
Until we blog again!
xxxx Brooke