Blog 1

Hello Everybody!

I've been meaning to write a blog ever since the 22nd of October, the day after my birthday! But... I didn't have the time or the energy anymore.. and I'm sorry for that! So now, without furder ado: the new blog!

The past few weeks have been insane for me - exam weeks! There was a lot more pressure this year. I really want to go on exchange project to Essex next year, but in order to qualify for that, you have to pass term one and two! That's about 30 ECTS that you have to collect, and I have 40 ECTS that I need to collect. I'm an idiot: I'm taking an extra course this period. It is insane, but I'm really looking forward to it!

I was telling gram's about the exhange program I hope to go on next year, and immedeatly she yelled: OH NO! NOT WITH ALL THOOSE BLACKS!

For thoose of you who don't know - my grandma is now 96 years old and the furthest away from home she's ever been is Germany. So please forgive dear old naïve grams! Hihihi

About birthdays - why is it when you're a kid - it's a huge deal! There's streamers and presents and all your friends and family come over and you all have a really good day.. But now that I've turned 21 it's basically me running through the room, making sure everyone has something to drink and eat and that no one feels excluded. Also there are no streamers. Or balloons. Well, I had a few streamers because I turned 21, but that´s the last age people actually put up streamers untill you turn 50.. and by then you don´t want them, because you know you´re gonna be the one who has to clean it up!

Gah.. now I wonder what my life will be like when I´m 50.. Hopefully I´ll have the job I want.. A family.. well, we´ll just have to wait and see huh? I dare to bet blogging will be so oldfashioned then.. All thoose old people (who are now arround 21) sitting there with their laptops blogging, nagging about how cool they used to be! Hahaha that'd be some sight!

Speaking of some sight! I went to my first concert ever! (At 21?! YES. Let me explain why!). I've never ever been to a concert before, because of my hearing problem. I have a pair of hearing aids that I have to wear, or well, my choice, but if I don't wear them, I don't hear a friggin' thing.. So, I wear them. But, as all of you will probobly know: concerts are loud as f*ck. When sounds get above a certain volume, my hearing aids cant process it anymore. That leads to a really really really high pitched noise, and since I wear them in my ears.. I dont hear a frigging thing. So, outside of theathre music programs, I've never been to concerts or anything: it just isn't easy for me.

BUT! Lindsey Stirling was in the Netherlands. For thoose of you who don't know who I'm talking about: . She's amazing! I just could not pass up the chance to go see her! So I went to Tilburg, completely petrified and with no idea what to expect. I ended up having my hearing aids in my pocket the whole night and I kept checking my pockets if they were still there, but it was incredible! Lindsey bounced arround the entire stage and it was so visible that she adores what she does, it made me smile like an idiot.

I didn't get to see the whole concert (yay public transportation), but I saw enough anyways. My head was starting to hurt and now, three days later my ears still cringe with every loud noise. So, incredible experience.. but it is not going to be a regular thing for me. It is too bad though, it's incredible. There were twohundred people there listening to that one person we all came to see. It was an amazing experience, one I'm gratefull I got to share with my incredible friend.

OH! Friends! They're so amazing! All of them, every. single. one. I love my friends and some days, I do not know how to get by without them. Life can be crazy, and scary and sometimes I feel like I can't breathe because I have so much to do. But then I look at the written note one of my friends gave me last year..



"Because no one can tell you you can't do it"



And then I know she's right. I can do it. It gives me just enough of a boost to go forward again. All of my friends do. When I think I can't anymore, they're the ones who tell me I can and then I remember what I'm fighting for. I might not have an incredible body, I might not have my whole family. But I have my parents (well, mom and stepdad then) and I have my friends. And as long as I have them, I am the richest person in the entire universe.


Well, enough blogging for one day! It's time for me to get back to working on my book and work out an article for the faculty magazine! The first issue comes out november 19th, and if the editor in chief allows it - i'll post a scan of the front and my article here!


Love and kisses!
